How do I get my tokens?

All tokens are vested via our Dashboard. Once a project's token unlock at TGE, you can claim your allocation via the dashboard and they will be delivered automatically to your wallet.

Step 1: Connect your wallet and head over to the Dashboard. You'll find all your allocations under the "Allocations" tab, alongside info on all vesting points.

Step 2: Once a vesting point unlocks, hit "Claim". The tokens will be sent directly to your wallet and a pop-up will appear to add the tokens to your wallet.

Alternatively, should there be any issues with automatically adding the tokens to your wallet, follow these steps:

Step 1: To view the token in your wallet, head to your Metamask, scroll down all the way and hit "Import Tokens"

Step 2: You'll be asked to provide the token's contract address. Plug it in and add the token! Note that you need to ensure that you are on the correct Network. For example, adding a token that runs on Polygon will not be possible if your wallet is connected to the Binance Smart Chain.

Last updated